Venus Cowl
General Tips
This cowl is a delight to knit! With two DK yarns held double, it knits up quickly and is a great project if you've never done cables or bobbles before!
Be sure to look for hashtags #TeamKnitrino #Knitrino and #VenusCowl to see some of the work others have done.
Swatch Instructions
Rounds 3 and 4: P1, k1, repeat bold text to end.
Repeat these 4 rounds until swatch measures at least 4". Bind off, block, and measure. If 16 stitches and 20 rounds measure more than 4", swatch again using a smaller needle. If they measure less than 4", swatch again using a larger needle.
How to do a small swatch in the round on circular needles
Stitch Guide
All stitch tutorials are available in app. Simply click on any stitch in the active row to see what it is and how to do it.
This cowl uses 4 different cable stitches (3/3 left and right cable cross, and 5/5 left and right cable cross) and a 3-stitch bobble.